The Shulamite Series

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Christmas Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for sending Your Son to suffer as I suffer, to face temptations as I am tempted, and to live as I ought to live. Thank you, dear Jesus for humbling Yourself and dying a criminal’s death so that I, the one who is so unworthy, may have eternal life. The gift You’ve given doesn’t compare to anything wrapped under my tree this Christmas and for that I give you my total adoration.

One of my fondest childhood Christmas memories was making a Christmas list. My siblings and I would pour over the Sears Christmas catalog for hours circling the things we would love to have and painstakingly narrowing down our list. It was fun to dream and anticipate which of the items we might receive, while optimistically hoping to receive all the desired items.

So Heavenly Father, in the spirit of “being as a child” again, here’s my grown-up Christmas wish:

  • That I, along with everyone reading this, are clear on our God-given purpose (Jeremiah 29:11).
  • That we are not hindered by fear, doubt or discouragement as we live out our God-given purposes (Psalm 37:7).
  • That we walk boldly, expecting Your favor and blessing (Psalm 2:8).
  • That we will be vigilant, resisting the ploys of the enemy as we remain perfected, established, and settled in You (I Peter 5:8-10).
  • That we will be at peace (Job 22:21), waiting patiently, knowing that we will be exalted in due time (I Peter 5:6).
  • That we will make a difference in the lives of others, giving glory to You always (Ephesians 4:29).

I pray that each of you have a Merry Christmas and that the reminder of God’s greatest gift to you and to me renews your faith and fills you with hope, joy and peace.

Merry Christmas!

From My Heart to Yours,
