The Shulamite Series

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Pit Prep

One of my favorite Bible stories is Joseph. Talk about getting a raw deal. He was promised he’d rule over a nation, then finds himself in a pit. If that’d been me, I’d been crying every day, “Why me? How’d I go from a girl of promise to being a prisoner in a pit?”

Truth be told that has been me. Maybe not prison, but I’ve certainly believed to have received a promise only to find myself in a pit. Running about, gloating in that sing songy nana-nana boo-boo voice, “God gave me a dream. I’m gonna be great. Nana-nana boo-boo.” Then BAM, everything seemingly goes awry – Funding falls through. Colleagues conspire against you. Friends grow silent. Illness strikes. Family says no. You find yourself in a pit!

From Joseph’s story, I learned that sometimes pit time is prep time. Joseph worked diligently, learning everything he could from the circumstances he was in, honing his talents, gifts and skills. And he did it with humility and integrity.

By the time Joseph was asked to rule over the land, he was ready! So how might your pit experience be preparing you? Note to self: Davenia, girl, stop whining and get yourself prepped even from the pit!

Bible Verse: 8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. II Corinthians 4:8-9

Questions: What might you learn from the adversity your facing? Can you recall an experience that seemed challenging but the end result was a better prepared you?